Faith its defination always puzzles me. Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see....honestly speaking sometimes i think this is just crazy! But then i fail to explain how i can pray and believe for something and it actually happens and comes true! So my intelligent question is what do i have to loose? So ye beautiful women please make me understand why we pray and believe God for so many big things in our lives you know the promotion at work, our health, more salary,that beautiful house weve been eyeing and scholarship those fees etc but the one thing that we secretly and ceasingly pray for but dont really believe God is really interested in that part of our lives.
I remember many are the time i prayed and told God you can handle all this but the relationship bit you know am good at this so please let me do my thing.....and girls dint i do many stupid things! Its funny how we panic when we find ourselves living in make-sparse estates or going to male sparse churches ha ha ha. Believe you me am laughing at myself just thinking of how i used to complain that our church had no potential men to get married to....
There are so many things women have done inorder to get a man, visited different churches,gone to retreats,travelled to back and forth in different towns,joined a choir and so many other stuff. Some which ive done my self and honestly after this so called relationships dint work out all i felt was drained drained and more drained! Girls if there is one thing am learning right now is that God does not need our clever chance rendezvous to give us a man. Same way we pray about all things we want in our lives we should pray for relationships with other people....
God knows the desires of your heart and yes the amount little piece of faith i have am believing that even if your in the jungle God is not limited by your circumstances and geographical location he knows your desires and he will bring them into accomplishment...recent studies have shown that the older a woman get the less preference and demands on the life partner becames....thats why we find women in their late twenties and early thirties settling not only for what God had not planned for them but their expectations as well. Check out this example.
20yrs old
-a godly man
-does not drink alcohol or smoke
-kind and gentle
25 years old
-a godly man
-only drinks and smokes casually
29-35 years old
-at least goes to church
-drink and smoke casually
-can put up with me.
God dint create us to settle he created us to get the best which is him then the second best the man he chooses for us. So please let us not hesitate to live life dont pass opportunities to travel and go for missions just cause you think life will pass you by no God will come through at his appointed time...lets soak our energies in the things of God.
Lady of virtue.....
What is the one thing that you love about your body....wait for hips! Oh how i love them! this is me imagining them 30 years from now....i know not a pretty picture at all! Thing is if i dude is to like what he sees in my outward appearance and 30years from now it fades what next? So does this mean that when am ugly i wont get married or when my beauty fades i will no longer be loved? No, thats why as women we are called to cultivate our inner beauty....please indulge me.
I remember sometime back whenever i would go to a wedding i would check out the bride and honestly some i would conclude were not as preety but later on i would get to know the bride and man would i swallow whateter comment i had made about them i found them to have qualities to die for kindness,gentleness,good listeners etc am happy to say that some are good friends till today and i draw and learn so much from them.
When you read proverbs 31 you think perfection i think lucky are we as women that God allowed solomon to put this wise characteristics down i mean there they are plain in black and white this the way a christian or any woman for that matter should carry themselves!
So am taking a challenge this month am praying and exersing provers 31:1 a wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies....lets dig up info on rubies,lets pray that God will develop this character in us that we will find ourselves worth.
For some of us life hasnt been so fair, am talking about rape,abusive relationships,angry parents and spouses,taken advantage of by friends and so many other things which had yielded to insecurity,jealousy,envy,selfishness,pity,anger and lack of self esteem and lack of self worth. I weep when i think of such things but i thank my God in heaven who is merciful and loving to us. My dear God can heal your pain, he can take it all away and give you a new lease of life. Am a testimony of what lack of self esteem can do to a person and believe me its not something i would wish any of you to go through....i thank God ive found my worth in christ and everyday he gives me a bucket full of love to share,my God wants the best for you just let him heal your pain you will not forget but you will forgive. Let us be ladies of virtue......
Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
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